Canvey Island, Essex, England
Twin boom quad
144MHz LFA Yagis
144MHz LFA Yagis

Low Noise LFA Yagis designed by G0KSC free to build for personal use.

144MHz LFA Yagis
70cms LFA Yagis
70cms LFA Yagis
Twin-Boom G0KSC Quads
G0KSC Twin-Boom Quads
Twin-Boom G0KSC Quads
G0KSC Custom Dish feeds - Above installation @ HB9Q
Custom low-noise dish feeds
Custom low-noise dish feeds
G0KSC Custom Dish Feeds

Above installation @ HB9Q

G0KSC Custom Dish feeds - Above installation @ HB9Q
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The Latest, Genuine G0KSC Design LFA and LFA-3 designs are ONLY available from InnovAntennas!

I designed another antenna for Peter for both 15 and 20m bands. Using EZNEC Pro/6 with the NEC4/2 engine means accuracy is as good as it gets and 30 years worth of bugs do not remains as they do in NEC2 based applications! His comments below:

''How are you champ?

Just wanting to pass on the news that the interlaced design you sent through is working and working incredibly well. Tunes to 50 ohms mid bands at 1.0 SWR. No adjustments even required at all. Straight from the ground to the tower.

Have written some info on QRZ for it at VK2GGC. Lots of stations asking about it over the weekend.

Again, a pleasure to put your work into practice mate.

Talk soon,


Read Time: 1 minute

The team at OL7M spent one year building and installing a monster 28MHz OWA array designed by G0KSC. The array consists of 4 x 6 element OWA Yagis and built the entire system and H-frame on site.

2 photos of the finished project are below but certainly, it is worth taking a look at the 10m YouTube video at the bottom of this article whcih takes you through the build from concept to completion.

4 x 6el G0KSC OWA Yagis for 28MHz at OL7M


A second, closer short of the same array

The below like is the YouTube video which takes you through the project start to finish, Enjoy!

If you need help designing and building an array, contact me directly via this site.


Project photo gallery can be found here: