Premium commercial versions of this antenna at Innovantennas
A Low-Noise 'Urban' 26 element LFA Yagi for 432MHz
The LFA design has a patent pending and all G0KSC designs are copyright. Any ham can build for their own use or those of a friend. Where profit or commercial gain exists, express permission of G0KSC must be sought.
Firstly, do not be put off by the close frontal side lobes on these 70cms Yagis. Those who follow my work within DUBUS magazine know I have proven forward side lobes have little effect on G/T figures as long as they are kept close to the main lobe, it is the size of the rear 'bubble' and F/R ratio that makes the most impact. By allowing these side lobes and amount of 'controlled' space in the forward direction, I have been able to suppress the rear lobes to produce antennas with never-seen-before G/T and Sky temperature figures!
Currently these antennas are available in IMPERIAL SIZES ONLY. Mail me if you need anything different.
As with ALL LFAs this antenna requires no matching device, it has a 50 Ohm input impedance. PLEASE do not alter dimensions, unless your software package uses NEC4 calculation engine, you will not see SWR correctly.
Azimuth Pattern
Elevation Pattern
10m Above ground Elevation plot. Note how 'tight' the rear bubble is
SWR Plot
- This antenna WILL NOT show the true SWR in any antenna modelling package unless you are using one which uses the latest NEC4 calculation engine DO NOT confuse EZNEC with the NEC engine. EZNEC uses nec2 by default
- There are two sets of measurements listed below. One uses imperial sizes, the other uses metirc sizes. Ensure you use the correct one for the material you have
- 'within one or two millimetres' Will not do! take the time to ensure you get the spacing ant element lengths as close as you possibly can to the measurements below to ensure good, solid performance
- Please read the 'how to make the LFA Loop' page
- Please do not alter segmentation or try to 'tune' the antenna unless you have nec4 or better. SWR will not read true within anything else
Performance UK/USA Version
Forward Gain: 19.68dBi at 432.300MHz
Front to Back Ratio: 34.42dB at 432.300MHz
Peak Gain: 19.74dBi
Peak F/B: 34.44dB
Bandwidth: 432-433MHz below 1.1:1
Build Dimensions for UK/USA Version -
Element Spacing in metres Half element Length in metres Element Notes
Reflector 0 .1.675 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
DE1 .086 .146 12.7mm - 1/2inch tube
DE2 .158 .146 12.7mm - 1/2inch tube (feedpoint)
D1 .218 .1585 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D2 .360 .152 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D3 .521 .147 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D4 .702 .146 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D5 .924 .1445 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D6 1.188 .1425 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D7 1.476 .1405 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D8 1.777 .139 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D9 2.085 .138 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D10 2.398 .1375 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D11 2.711 .137 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D12 3.024 .1365 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D13 3.338 .1365 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D14 3.650 .1355 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D15 3.966 .1345 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D16 4.289 .1335 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D17 4.605 .1325 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D18 4.929 .1305 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D19 5.250 .129 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D20 5.575 .127 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D21 5.898 .124 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D22 6.221 .120 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D23 6.569 .116 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
D24 6.836 .1215 6.35mm - 1/4 inch rod
DE1 and DE2 are joined at the ends by 9.525mm - 3/8inch tube
Feed point is the centre of DE2