Canvey Island, Essex, England
Twin boom quad
144MHz LFA Yagis
144MHz LFA Yagis

Low Noise LFA Yagis designed by G0KSC free to build for personal use.

144MHz LFA Yagis
70cms LFA Yagis
70cms LFA Yagis
Twin-Boom G0KSC Quads
G0KSC Twin-Boom Quads
Twin-Boom G0KSC Quads
G0KSC Custom Dish feeds - Above installation @ HB9Q
Custom low-noise dish feeds
Custom low-noise dish feeds
G0KSC Custom Dish Feeds

Above installation @ HB9Q

G0KSC Custom Dish feeds - Above installation @ HB9Q
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In modern day city environments, it is important to install a low noise Yagi to ensure you have the best chance of receiving weak signals. Many factors ensure the low noise properties of a Yagi are maintained and as well as pattern achieved through modelling, a closed loop feed system is important too as this installs a band pass filter property to the antenna as well as offering protection to the transceiver from adverse weather conditions such as lightening and static build up.

Neil G0GGG installed one of the latest third generation LFA Yagis this year (LFA-3) and in 24 hours secured weak signal contacts all over Europe, Japan and North America.

For the latest news and information on G0KSC designs, stop by my Facebook pages:


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JA7QVI installed 4 x 6 element 50MHz LFA Yagis on 8.2m long booms for EME

These antennas are displayed below on an impressive H-frame and will provide excellent results on 6m EME. Many of the World's top EME and weak signal workers on VHF choose the Low Noise LFA Yagi by G0KSC which provides unparalleled performance in terms of noise reduction. Take a look at the comparison below (made by a Canadian ham) comparing a 7 element G0KSC LFA and a traditional 7 element Yagi on 6m. Being in an urban location, the noise reduction is marked and means the difference between hearing signals perfectly or not at all.

If you want the best, the LFA Yagi is for you!