6el 4.5m long 70MHz OWL Yagi
The 6el 70MHz OWL with 11.98dBi gain
This antenna has a bit of history as it was the first ever OWL Yagi. I built it to confirm the modle and it featured in this DUBUS article. The antenna has 11.98dBi Gain and over 21dB F/B but most impressive of all is the fact the SWR bandwidth, less than 1.1:1 from 70-70.5MHz. This is a 12.5Ohm antenna which is fitted with a G0KSC Hybred transformer balun and N type connector so all you need do is plug in your coax, no external balun required!
I have used this antenna for the past few months with excellent effect. Even in the last few weeks (25th August now) I have been hearing 70MHz beacons. on 10th of August, I was the only UK station to spot OH2FOUR which was up to S6 on the meter !! Check it out on
The impressive SWR curve of this antenna as presented by the antenna analyser once installed
At only 4.5m long it is very compact and light too. The antenna will also fit on a roof rack complete if you don't mind a bit of forward over-hang, I have done it, I know!
SOLD !! will secure this antenna, pick up only please !!
11el 6.3m long G0KSC OWL Yagi
Full details of this antennas performance can be found here
As with all of my antennas, high quality insulators have been used on this antenna and all fittings are Stainless Steel (not boom to mast mount). The antenna is a 12.5Ohm antenna fitted with a G0KSC variant impedance transforming Pawsey stub balun which incorporates a fully symmetrical balun too, all you need do is plug in 50Ohm coax and go!
I have added fine-tuning capabilities at the dipole ends to enable perfectionists to get SWR absolutley spot on. I have also added a small stand-off on the boom in order it may support its own guy line too.
Not much more to say on this one but like my other projects, I have to make room for the next! The first £100.00 takes it, picutres below (Collection only or I can arrange to meet somewhere).
Completed antenna with Balun installed
A close-up shot of the feedpoint and balun arrangement
The antenna in the air. EME with just 100W output too!
The first 28/50MHz Dual band interlaced Yagi is available for sale for local pick up only!
This is a slightly longer, better performing antenna than the one I list on this site and was built by me and installed for test at G8FJG. SWR is as predicted along with excellent performance too. Ron commented that he could hear an A71 beacon at 579 which was not detectable on his cobwebb!
The antenna has a 5.2m boom and performance is as per the images below.
The antenna uses tapered elements, 5/8 to 1/2 inch for the 10m elements and 1/2 to 3/8 inch for the 10m sections.
It has 9 elements in total, 4 are used on 28mhz and 5 are used on 50MHz. It has one feedpoint and both bands are used through this one connection.
Local pick up only but I will drive up to 100miles (fuel cost covered by buyer) if need be. NOW SOLD!!
The dualband 28/50MHz Yagi installed briefly at G8FJG for testing and now available for sale
The antenna feedpoint. Stauff high quality clamps and stainless steel fittings used throughout
The antennas I built for use this summer are now off of the tower and available for sale. Both are very well made and will give many more years of excellent performance.
Note: below the 6M antenna photos is the 4M antenna with another set of photos.
The first is my 6el LFA for 50MHz with its 7.3M boom and huge gain which is just short of 12.4dBi. F/B still well above 23dB and a flat SWR across the whole of 6M as you would expect. The spec of this is a little different from those published as the antenna uses 1.2 inch elements throughout. Also, I have built this antenna to last huge winds and weather conditions so this will be good in the worst weather scenario.
It has been built from 1.5Inch square boom which is doubled for around 5M below the boom resulting in no boom sag and no boom guying being required. Even in high wind, the antenna does not 'fish tail'. Hand crafted clear UV grade perspex has been used (for the outside sign industry) to form the element insulators. The antenna will include the Pawsey stub 1:1 balun too which is made from Westflex 103 and terminates with a female Ntype.
The boom has been sectioned into 2.5M pieces and all stainless steel hardware is used. Only the boom to mast U bolts are not stainless steel. The Pawsey stub balun is included in the sale!
4M Antenna details below the 6M antenna photos
Some photos below:
5el 70MHz 4.4M long LFA Yagi - 11.4dBi 28dB F/B
This was one of the prototypes I designed for Vine antennas. It has tapered elements stepping down from 5/8 to 1/2 inch and the LFA Loop ends are 3/8 inch. All stainless steel hardware is used onec more with the same handmade perspex insulator as with the above 6M antenna. The boom is 1.25Inch square and again has been doulbe booms part way to ensure no flex at all. However, the longest section is in one piece so a roof rack will be required for collection.
Available at just NOW SOLD!!